Tag Archives: Montgomery County ARD

The ARD Program: Have you Been Denied? Most first-time DUI offenders apply for the ARD program and some, if not many of them, are denied admission by the District Attorney’s Office.  Why?  There are many reasons for this.  The most common is the existence of a criminal record by the applicant. Reasons you may be […]

Katrina Darrell, who famously auditioned in her bikini for the American Idol TV show in 2009, was arrested for DWI in Los Angeles last night while her mother was seated in the front seat next to her.    Police apprehended her after she ran a red light and smashed into another car while fleeing from […]

The Final Step to Complete the ARD Program As a Pennsylvania DUI Lawyer and PA Driver’s License Suspension Attorney, I have the opportunity to represent individuals that have received DUI charges and are then subsequently admitted into Pennsylvania’s Accelerated Rehabilitative Disposition program, or ARD.  This is a program where individuals with no prior criminal record […]